Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sunday Update

Today was full from start to finish.  We began our day by going to the Dunson's apartment for evangelism training with our interpreters.  This took us through until lunch, so we went to a mall food court and ate there.  We had a few moments to browse some stores and get some local candy.  Even more importantly, we had an opportunity to get to know our translators as we walked and talked together. 

After the mall, we went to a local market that is set up in a park each weekend.  There were many people there, and it gave us another view of the culture.  Once again, we had time to spend with our translators, getting to know them better and working on our communication together.

We went straight from the market to an established church that is about 7 years old.  The church had experienced some fast growth, but through a series of bad pastors, the momentum has been lost for some time.  The church is just now beginning to pick up steam in growth and outreach.  In the past year, they have baptized 13 new believers.  We worshiped together, and were reminded that God is praised by every tongue and every nation! 

We had multiple opportunities to encourage the congregation.  Donna and Joyce shared testimonies, and I (Chris) preached a message.  All of this was done through a translator, but the Holy Spirit was at work!  I also had the opportunity to meet with Gissele and Clarrisa (not sure about spelling), twin sisters who lead the children and youth ministry of the church.  It was incredible to see the simliarities in ministry despite culture and distance.  Our conversations are not finished, and this is a neat opportunity for me to pass on the seminary training I have been blessed to receive.  Gissele was also the translator for me during the message, and she did an excellent job with a hard task! 

Our team is tired, and the week is just beginning!  We have to be ready to go in the morning at 6 AM.  Pray for our team as we go to a juvenile prison.  We will have an evangelistic breakfast with the workers from 7-8 AM, and then spend time with the inmates. This is the first time the missionary here has had any contact inside the prison, so pray for everything to go smoothly!  We will be helping out a brand new church plant that is just beginning in the afternoon and evening tomorrow.  Pray for our converstaions to lead people to know Jesus, and that our gospel presentation will not be jumbled in our tranlations. 

[I am having trouble adding pictures, so I will hopefully get them up later tomorrow.]

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