Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Today was an excellent day for ministry, and a long day for weather.  It has literally rained without stopping from the time we started until the time we ended.  Rain did not stop our plans for today, though it was less than ideal to be wet from beginning to end!

We spent the entire day in a part of Porto Alegre that has a baptist church.  The pastor arranged for us to make 20 visits, with our team sharing the gospel through translators all over the area.  We met at the church, then walked to different homes in the area.  Our team was recieved well!  While I do not have the exact numbers, I know that many accepted Jesus today! 

We had a service this evening that drew a packed house.  I (Chris) preached, and Joyce and Donna shared testimonies.  We seemed to connect well with this group of people.  Brad led worship with a guitar, I backed him up on drums, and Blake played the keyboards.  Blake is the 11 year old son of the missionary here, and this was his first time playing an American praise song.  He did excellent, and we did not even practice together!

After the service, Brad and I played drums and guitar with the praise band at the church.  We couldn't understand a word, but we played with them well.  Let's just say that they bring energy to songs that I have hardly seen before.  This time of spontaneous worship was incredible, and I know that God was glorified!

Tomorrow will involve much of the same as today, just in a different area of town.  Please pray for our witnessing opportunities.  I also would like to ask you to pray for my voice, as my throat is very sore from over-use.  Pray for our team to find physical strength, as our days are long and nights short. 

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